If you don't know which output device / port to use, please follow these steps:
• Pull down the Output Device / Port list.
• Make a note of what choices you have and click OK to close the dialogue.
• Disconnect your cutter from the computer.
• Click the Cutter button and pull down the Output Device / Port list. One option should have disappeared, this is the port for your cutter. Click OK to close the dialogue.
• Connect your cutter again and make sure it's powered on.
• Click the Cutter button and pull down the Output Device / Port list and select the port that now should be back.
If you don't know which baud rate to use, please follow these steps:
• Check your cutting plotter for a setting in the display called Baud or BR and note what value it is set to.
• Enter the same value in SignCut's cutter dialogue.
The communication should now be correct. To make a test cut select the red layer in the SignCut logo by clicking the red button in the panel to the right. If there are more than one red layer, select the one that says SignCut.